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EL Wires!

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EL Wires!

Preparing for the EL Wire workshop during the Temporary Space Invasion. Join us from 14th to 27th April at Freies Theater Innsbruck.

Marvin approves this message.

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SMD Ofen

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SMD Ofen

Die Elektronikbäckerei wird in kürze eröffnet.

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Robelux is growing

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Robelux is growing

Our current sideproject: Robelux.
The mastermind behind it is of course Robelix :)

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Beagle Bone Black PWM Test

Beagle Bone Black PWM Test. Hübsche Übung um mal zu sehen wie sowas gemacht wird.

Danke an Richard Weinberger für den Vortrag

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